Kinder der Maschinenpolitik, Inextricable Zenit, Speed,
The Future Of War,
Leipzig & Coca Cola, Programm 2, Death Trip
Shoot Speed / Kill Light, Exterminator, Monster Truckdriver,
Paraabnormal, Animosity,
Halt durch!, Ist This Hyperreal?
Exzess Express, Spannung, Leistung, Widerstand, Poison Lips,
Insect Royalty, Autobahn 66, Tote Tiere
White Heat, Pills, Animal, Synthesized, Lüge, Miss Lucifer
Programm 1, Tyranny (For You), Intelligence And Sacrifice,
Who's Been Sleeping In My Brain?, Nachtjacke, Kids Are United
Radio Blackout, Disimilate, Front By Front,
Die langweiligsten Orte der Welt, Tragedy (For You),
Automatic Noir, Inferno
Acid Bath, The Reawakening, Collapse Of History,
Der vierte Affe, Live Target, Sex & Chaos, Blitzkrieg Pop
Flash Backs, RY30-Fersehtechnik,
Accelerator, Swastika Eyes, Interception, Abfall
Kennzeichen P, Ethnik, Cold Metal Perfection,
Altered States Of America, Stop The Future,
I'm Herr Frankenstein, Paranoid
Commando, Edle Einfalt Stille, Open Head Surgery, Uhrtick,
Programm 3, Kill All Hippies